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Second opinion on script

Thu Sep 08, 2016 8:27 am

Hi guys,

I made the script below, that is in production.
Basically what it does is check the routing table for routes in a given subnet, if no routes are available, make the vrrp-instance go to backup-state.

Could you guys look it over and see if there is any optimilization possible, or maybe something more effecient?
# Set route counter to zero before checking
:global routeCounter 0

# Specify the BGP advertised subnet to check for
:global subnet ""

# Specify the name of the VRRP interface to work with
:global vrrpInterface1 "vrrp-v4"
:global vrrpInterface2 "vrrp-v6"

# Specify the priority the $vrrpInterface should get once the BGP routes are gone
:global newPrio 50

# Loop through all routes and check for BGP routes with given subnet
:foreach route in=[/ip route find where dst-address in $subnet and bgp] do={
  # Increment the value of $routeCounter with every found route
  :set $routeCounter ($routeCounter+1)

# When $routeCounter is zero, that means that there are no BGP routes to given subnet
if ($routeCounter = 0) do={

  # Get the current VRRP priority of given VRRP interface
  :global curPrio [/interface vrrp get [find name=$vrrpInterface1] priority]

  # If the current VRRP priority is different then the $newPrio
  if ($curPrio != $newPrio) do={

  # Produce logging
    :log error "================ WARNING ================"
    :log error "No BGP routes to $subnet found."
    :log error "Setting $vrrpInterface1 priority from $curPrio to $newPrio"
    :log error "Setting $vrrpInterface2 priority from $curPrio to $newPrio"
    :log error "========================================="

    # Set the new priority of given VRRP interface to force a Master/Backup switch
    :put [/interface vrrp set [find name=$vrrpInterface1] priority=$newPrio]
    :put [/interface vrrp set [find name=$vrrpInterface2] priority=$newPrio]
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Re: Second opinion on script

Thu Sep 08, 2016 4:29 pm

# Specify the BGP advertised subnet to check for
    :local subnet ""
# Specify the name of the VRRP interface to work with
    :local vrrpInterface1 "vrrp-v4"
    :local vrrpInterface2 "vrrp-v6"
# Specify the priority the $vrrpInterface should get once the BGP routes are gone
    :local newPrio 50
# When $routeCounter is zero, that means that there are no BGP routes to given subnet
    :if ([:len [/ip route find disabled=no && dst-address in $subnet && bgp]] = 0) do={
# Get the current VRRP priority of given VRRP interface
        :local curPrio [/interface vrrp get [find name=$vrrpInterface1] priority]
# If the current VRRP priority is different then the $newPrio
        :if ($curPrio != $newPrio) do={
# Produce logging
            :log warning "================ WARNING ================"
            :log warning "No BGP routes to $subnet found."
            :log warning "Setting $vrrpInterface1 priority from $curPrio to $newPrio"
            :log warning "Setting $vrrpInterface2 priority from $curPrio to $newPrio"
            :log warning "========================================="
# Set the new priority of given VRRP interface to force a Master/Backup switch
            :put [/interface vrrp set [find name=$vrrpInterface1] priority=$newPrio]
            :put [/interface vrrp set [find name=$vrrpInterface2] priority=$newPrio]
Made a few small changes.

First of all I removed the foreach loop. It is much simpler to just to just check the length of the returned list.
[:len [find whatever]] = 0
I also made it exclude disabled routes.

Using local variables is also a good idea. Unless you actually need the specific variable in another script or the next time the script is run. If you use a global variable with the same name in two scripts at the same time, they could in theory change each other's variable if they run at the exact same time.

The ":if" commands were missing the colon.

Lastly, I like ":log warning" better than error. There are a lot fewer logs that use the warning color, plus you actually wrote warning in your log, so it is not really an error, right?
Last edited by Deantwo on Thu Sep 08, 2016 9:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Second opinion on script

Thu Sep 08, 2016 8:57 pm

Wow thanks, actually all those points make total sense.
Strange is, the if statement without the : did work.
I have changed the script accordingly and all is still working as expected.

Thanks a lot!