At the moment I dont see a .ac ptmp solution which is working fine. MT has not done the SW to make it perform good, UBNT has a .ac only solution without backward compatibility, mimosa announced for late summer so I guess it will be january, for epmp nothing is announced.
It seems to me some other 'legacy' vendors that missed sort of the boat in the last years are now trying to regain market share.
They only stand a change when they bring something new or better than what we have at affordable prices:
Been at the ASLAN in Madrid some weeks ago and the red line is "interference suppression" and high capacity wireless networking.
Its all about how complete is the OS and how matured the devices and how inventive the duplexing methods used...
I am looking at eCambium with the new ePMP range of devices. They come very interested prices, have gps sync, FDD (OFDM) and built in QoS with scalable up and download spectrum usage. The ePMP range is formfactor with ubnt airmax and airfibre antenna's which give them a wide range of radio-antenna combinations.
I am also very much delighted by the new series of RF elements "simper" radios and antennas. They work both with MT, UBNT and ePMP radios but also have their own TM-ROS based radio development. Superp antennas.
Top of the bill range is RADWIN with their (mimo 'n') based TDD/FDD OFDM beamforming units. Very pricely though.
The new line of ubnt's (and I am NOT a fan of them!*) Airfiber AF5 with the new AF5X is very interesting for backhauls.
But basically they all are trying to find a way to create the best spectrum usage compared to plain 802.11a/n/c product range.
If you'd like to configure it all yourself and the spectrum is not too saturated MT is still a preffered product, also for its price.
But if you just want to grow and deliver better quality and speed than the competition in congested areas I think MT is running behind.....
MT ac (to be honest I don't know about other vendor's 'ac') can't do a spectral scan and is not showing power levels.
You are sort of driving in the fog...
Automatic power adjustments for usage demand is embedded in some vendor's OS but with MT that is all to be done manually (maybe some 'script kiddie' can do a nice job)
GPS sync is still not something MT has to offer. But it is clear that in very congested and overused spectrum environments you need to reuse frequencies, even on the tower, which makes it a demanded tool.
According some eCambium sales their radio protocol also guarantees 'remote tower' sync. So basically all AP's in a region will be in sync, that's a good thing.
Beamforming like it becomes a feature in the second wave ac is nice, but RADWIN (like some other high-end vendors as Ruckus (=forerunner in this), Aruba, Cisco etc.) is already offering in mimo 'n' technology and together with their propietarity protocol guarantees even nLOS or NLOS working, even for moving objects like in trains etc. Impressive.
Both eCambium and Radwin soft of nodded that over time during this year they will also come with ac based product line which with their experiances in prop. protocol and interference mitigationg technology will by no means outperform any MT product range if they go on in the speed of developement like they are now.....
*I'm not so much a fan of ubnt product range because specially the bottom range of products are not always that good in quality and the OS has definately limits.
But their development speed and goal is something MT might once have dreamed about but is a passed station for them. I don't think MT simply has the finances to meet ubnt in developments.
Motorola (eCambium) and RADWIN have a much bigger financial backbone so they can invest big in trying to snoop back some market share they (special motorola) lost to ubnt. And they are doing good! ePMP has a price range a bit higher than MT but its partialy compatible in the use of external antennas (so makes a system swap more fiable) and their OS features and protocol capacities with spectral use is much better imho than you can ever achieve with either MT or ubnt. (And for MT you need to work hard. You have to do it all yourself!
My only questionmark I still have; How would ePMP product peform in a fully congested tdma (airmax/nv2) environment.
I'm beeing told; "If you with your MT stuff have issues with interferences, you'll bet on ubnt its worse!" So now I am looking at a product that is both affordable and can maintain a high quality level in fully used spectrum.
Most of my thinking goes towards ePMP now. I only hate it to say MT farewell.....[/quote]
Yes. ePMP is the best affordable 11n ptmp gear at the moment. We've them running. But it is only 11n and there might be no upgrade to .ac. Nevertheless this gear is not without problems.
The gear most promising at the moment is the mimosa solution. The ptp is very good and as ptmp is based on the same chipset I expect a good solution. But as they miss their milestones by some months in the past I expect there is nothing to deploy this year.