I need help in this topic also, how to add more instance/device per users? The shared user constraint doesn't work on mine, each user can only use 1 device at the time and that's a bit too limiting. I need to make it able to do 2 at least
Reply to this topic maybe late but I hope it can be useful for the other who searched and found this.
I'm using RouterOS 6.49.x
I set
IP > Hotspot > User Profiles to have at least one profile that shared with 2 sessions named
In user manager, I create profile, limitation and set Group name to
My users are able to login simultaneously maximum 2 sessions.
However, if I change Shared Users on user manager > profile or on user details for example to 4. Both are not working because the maximum still limited to 2 that was set in IP > Hotspot > User profiles.
The Shared users field seems to be useless or I'm using it wrong because I don't see anything about it in document
here, or
So, to change sessions limit, do it in IP > Hotspot > User Profiles instead.