I have a Mikrotik Hex - which I'm using at a little shop.
Unfortunably there's a error somewhere I cannot find where it is.
When trying to ping directly for Mikrotik Winbox Terminal - I'm getting this:
Code: Select all
> ping google.com
invalid value for argument address:
invalid value of mac-address, mac address required
invalid value for argument ipv6-address
while resolving ip-address: could not get answer from dns server
Although I've have a reserved Dynamic IP from the ISP
Code: Select all
/ip dns> print
allow-remote-requests: yes
max-udp-packet-size: 4096
query-server-timeout: 0ms
query-total-timeout: 0ms
cache-size: 2048KiB
cache-max-ttl: 0s
cache-used: 19Ki
the IPv6 Package is disabled - But each time I'm trying anything the network is slow as a 56k Modem - so how can I make this work again
Thanks in advance