a client purchased a hAp lite and I have few questions as im new to hap lite:
1. Can I save config and import the same config each time a client buys a hap lite from us ?
2. can i give read only account to my clients, so they can open winbox and see the total usage anytime they want ?
3. can i generate the clients 30 days full usage graph, bandwdith and speed usage of the wan ether port ?
4. how will the clients access the winbox or the hap lite ? what IP should be default, so it will open directly without having them to change the PC ether subnet IP. I mean, lets say you install a hap lite at a customer place and he says, speed is slow. So, what IP shall I ask him to open so that he can login with his read only user pass and see the ether total usage ?
5. can i block websites for specific ether in hap lite ?
Like parents on eth2 they need full access, but they want that their kids room wifi connected to eth3 of hap lite, should have bad websites blocked, which they should list in firewall rules or whatever. (i need that tutorial too)
6. can i limit speed and bandwdith for specific ether in hap lite ?
Like eth2 parents full speed. But eth3 kids limited to 10Mbps and 100GB total usage only.
7. Can I monitor each of client hapLite over SNMP, that way theit whole ether graphs are with me then.
8. Is there a way my customers can access the hapLite from their end without changing anything in their PC and at the same time, I can also open their devices from my office end without changing anything ?