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Is metarouter still a thing?

Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:10 pm

Just curious. I have many CHR's now running under vmware. Which is fine. However, encryption and what not begs for a hardware router. Are there any plans to bring metarouter to the CCR, to continue developing metarouter at all?

All my ccr's sit on 1-2% cpu which makes me sad :(
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Re: Is metarouter still a thing?

Wed Oct 05, 2016 4:07 am

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Re: Is metarouter still a thing?

Wed Oct 05, 2016 4:37 am

My guess is that this will probably become possible on ROS 7. I'm also hoping for MetaRouter hosted virtual APs. For us, that would be a killer feature - a virtual managed home wireless AP/router on a wireless CPE, especially if TR-069 support was added, without needing to sell the customer a separate hardware router.
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Re: Is metarouter still a thing?

Wed Oct 05, 2016 11:58 pm

I wish there was a well-maintained Metarouter image of Open-WRT, downloadable from Mikrotik's site (or else officially supported in OpenWRT which would be even better).

That would scratch a lot of people's itch for one-off features like print server, full dns server, snort server, IP-pbx, etc.
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Re: Is metarouter still a thing?

Thu Oct 06, 2016 12:12 am

While I do totally understand certain requirements for having the metarouter functionality, i personally would not use it much (ofcourse that could change if it was a feature that was well maintaned and supported across all routerboards)

What I would love to see is support for containers (like docker), for me, routerOs has 99% of the functionality I need in a router, what it doesn't have is support for a proper programming language.

Just image the possibility of running a docker container that is a container for your application, using the language of your choice, interacting with the server of yours doing anything you want. I know you could hack certain aspects of this together with the API and scripting but its not the same, we could centrally host code via git, push updates seamlessly directly our application on the router. It makes totally sense and Mikrotik wouldn't need to worry about adding support for application X,Y & Z. - even things like TR-069 wouldn't matter anymore, have the container pull the config from your "config server", do a diff on it, if there are changes, push that through to the MT (locally, bypassing any firewall/nat rules).

Although, I suppose ROS is so small and they strip so much out of the kernel that it might just be a pipe dream, but still, let ROS do what it does and let us do what we do by giving us containers.
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Re: Is metarouter still a thing?

Fri Oct 07, 2016 1:20 am

Problem for us as a datacenter is Fortinet and Juniper have these sorts of features. So we are forced to run CHR's which use our infrastructures CPU etc. That's expensive compared to running multi routers on physical routers. The CCR's have so much power, it just seems a waste.

Metarouter had so much promise, and was one of the reasons I first got in to Mikrotik.

Being able to spin up customers routers on a core vm router would be huge for us.

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