I'm looking for a way to persist a :global variable so it survives a reboot.
Any ideas?
What entity types would best be suited for such a comment?Try store them in "comment"
Thanks. Since it's related to log buffers, I decided to put it in this entry (which I need to bail out on if it doesn't exist anyway):The "/system note" is a good place. It is displayed at the start of every terminal session, but beyond that, it doesn't ever "do" anything. Alternatively, you could create a custom disabled item at any menu, and use it as a comment. By virtue of being disabled, it won't do anything.
OR (my preferred approach), instead of doing that, you could write a startup script in "/system scheduler" that initializes the global variables to whatever values you need.
:put [/system logging action print as-value where name=failedauth ]
Woot! You can set and retrieve the comment. But WinBox won't show it or allow you to change it.The not so cool (or - even though it's a bug - maybe cool), is that WinBox does not allow setting this comment.Code: Select all:put [/system logging action print as-value where name=failedauth ]
/system logging action set failedauth comment=12
:put [/system logging action print as-value where name=failedauth]