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PIM: RP-candidate does not become RP

Fri Nov 04, 2016 2:46 pm

Hi all,

I'm trying to get PIM working through out our network and facing a MT behaviour I do not understand. Before I start, there is for sure a chance that I did not get the conecpts right. So, if I'm on the wrong way, please let me know... ;)

Okay, this is the setup:

1 VLAN with one subnet: (this is the OSPF area 0)
3 L3 Switches running PIM -> 10.0.0.[2|3|254] (1 backbone core switch + 2 OSPF ABRs)
1 MT Router running PIM -> (ABR towards DMZ + WAN)

All 4 devices are configured to provide a BSR candidate as well as a RP candidate.

The problem:

As long as the MT has the higest BSR priority and therefore becomes the BSR in that net, it looks like everything works fine. All 4 RPs are known and listed in WinBox->PIM Config. But as soon as one of the L3 switches becomes the BSR, the MT RP candidate does not become a running RP anymore. I force this situation by simply assigning a higher BSR priority to one of the L3 switches.

In that case everything looks the same and all 4 devices see each other and know about each other. Furthermore all 3 L3 switches are known tby the MT to be RPs and listed under WinBox->PIM Config. But the MT it self is not providing a running RP anymore if the MT is not the BSR on the network. So all three L3 do provide a running RP and each of them know about each other except MT. This box does not provide a running RP anymore in that situation.

One thing I also figured out is that the BSR - if it is one of the L3 switches - is being listed in the WinBox Config with the following state: candidate
This somehow looks to me that MT is not aware of the fact that this L3 switch BSR has become elected to be the BSR on the network. But this is just a guess by me... ;)

Okay, that's the problem. I would be very happy if someone could help me get this working or at least explains me what is going on and whether or not this is intended behaviour.

Thank you all and best regards.

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Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2016 10:32 pm

Re: PIM: RP-candidate does not become RP

Sat Dec 10, 2016 11:40 pm


for those of you who are facing the same/a similar problem with multicast here's the latest news. I was in contact with Mikrotik support and they informed me that PIM is very buggy in rOS V6. It is expected to be fixed in V7. So in other words, PIM is not at a production level so far and by this, some-how unusable.

Best regards.


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