Thank you all very much for your guidance...
I did finally access the router, up until last night I still hadn't downloaded NeighborViewer.
After downloading that I was able to access the router VIA MAC-telnet.
From there I enabled the interfaces and assigned an IP address.
Then I was able to access the router VIA web-browser and from that point I was presented with WinBox.exe download which I snagged.
I am overwhelmingly impressed with the capabilities of the RB112
I have recently chose to utilize the RB112 with a CM9 100Mw a/b/g mini PCI card in conjunction with PW ROO2 19db & 24db 5Ghz compartment antennas to assemble Client Units from.
As additional info for whoever may attempt answering these Q's- I utilize an AIRLok AL330 to manage all backend access control, authorization, accounting, client account mgnt, etc.
1). When I have clients that choose to utilize IPSec VPN's... I assign the identical parameters found in the AIRLok and in addition to that the same parameters are defined in the clients connected PC(s).
Would there be any benefit to also defining these parameters in the RB112/CM9 Client Units alike?
2). Which encryption is the most preferred or better yet, the MOST SECURE- WEP or WPA?
3). To power the RB112 I utiize 48Vdc power supplys VIA PoE, in this case I should leave J2 open wouldn"t I?
4). In the previous BB responses GotNet mentioned checking my Power Jumper, if this is different from J2 which jump point number should I reset?
Thanks very much for your help
Kindest Regards
Pat Taylor