Thu Mar 16, 2017 12:00 am
I am trying to make some practice with a 493AH, before using UM in a online CCR I have.
On 493AH I have sntp client working, gmt+1, but date time in UM are shown as gmt+0
So, I put current 6.38.5, and still I have all "time left"s blank.
I think it is related to command from terminal:
/tool user-manager database clear-log
Then, if I apply a profile to a user, it shows always "start time", "end time"(profile is activated now), but and time left too(total left also)
After the user dials up and login successfully(using pppoe), and refresh from web page of UM, the time left & total time left disappear!
I go to logs of UM, where some new logs are added, delete them all, and go to users: nothing is shown to time left etc
Then I go to winbox terminal and give the miraculous command:
/tool user-manager database clear-log
and go to users and again time left etc ARE shown.
My intention is in final application in CCR to put all database of UM on usb pendrives, and to keep abundant logs