Hi Guys,
I think it would be excellent if there was a way to display data (text messages would be fine) on the LCD panels potentially as an extra 'slide' in the slideshow page listing.
Simple use cases for this:
- show how many connected hotspot users there are
- show how many wireless clients are connected
- custom script to visually indicate if a pppoe client was offline
- show most recent log entry or error
Advanced use cases:
- permit display of graphs + text + custom button functions
While I am aware that RouterOS is not a washing machine I feel there is merit in being able to add further functionality to the screens, I imagine some smaller providers might find that the ability to generate a user-manager prepaid code with the touch of a button would be handy too.. but lets not get ahead of ourselves just yet.
MT: Is there any plans for such a feature?
Others: Would you use such a feature? How?