I have two RB2011's just like this currently.
Ports 1-5 work perfectly as a dumb switch, but there does not seem to be a way to communicate with the internals. The LCD screen is white as well.
I've tried Winbox, NetInstall, serial console, ssh, telnet, mac telnet, reset button, and spanning the hard reset contacts inside the case.
We're still not sure what happened at this site, but the 2 2011's that went bad started throwing a lot of port errors in the log, then would die like this.
We think it was a power related issue, but it disappeared so we have no evidence to work on.
Is there any way to restore the RouterBoot firmware (or RouterOS, etc) through JTAG or anything like that?
I realize it may not be officially supported, but it would be nice to get these back to some sort of working order.
Now you are saying something about power I remember a while ago I also had some issues with my RB2011. Mine was acting weird and rebooting once in a while without real reason.
After I opened the case found out that the power plug inside the device that connects to the board has come loose a little. (I happen to have the oldest version I believe where there is a power connector inside the case, right on the board and the powercord is lead through the housing. I also thought there is a newer version where the power connector is position more to the ouside of the board in order to be able to just plug the connector from the outside (Like with the RB750/951 etc.))
Just noticed that anarkikrzysiek is talking about a rack mount model, but still could be a power issue.