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PPPoE over VPN

Thu Dec 14, 2006 11:31 am

Hi all,

I have a current setup like below: -

Laptop (road warrior) <-- PPTP_VPN --> PPTP_VPN_SERVER <--> MikroTik (with PPPoE server config) <--> INTERNET

I cannot connect to MikroTik's PPPoE server with the above setup. Why?

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Thu Dec 14, 2006 11:40 am

PPTP will not transport PPPoE.
PPPoE works over Ethernet, Laptop and MikroTik PPPoE server should be connected to the same Ethernet network (broadcast domain).
If '<-- PPTP_VPN -->' device is MikroTik router, you can create EoIP+PPTP tunnels, than PPPoE will be transported over EoIP.
I suspect there will be a lot of overhead on this configuration, as PPPoE provides encryption too.
Let us consider most recommended configuration scenario,
1) EoIP, PPPoE. EoIP between <-- PPTP_VPN --> and MikroTik Router, PPPoE is configured on MikroTik router.
2) PPPoE server is configured on <-- PPTP_VPN --> device, then laptop is connected directly to PPPoE server.