Of course it s a BUG ! If I set manually any concrete frequency AP ccanot do what it randomly will ! Especially, if I set it to a frequency, where radar cannot occure in Czech republic = 6680 MHz ! Especially, if the new freguency is out of range allowed in Czech republic, if correct country is set in "Country" box! Let it "detect radar" witnout going to AP mode endless time, but CANNOT use frequency not allowed in settings! It behaves like I choosed "auto" in "frequency" box. It is wery wierd behawior if in one folder (Wireless) is set and diplayed 6680 MHz and in other (Status) is displayed (and really broadcasted) 7775 MHz ! Logical nonsense!It is not bug. You need use scan list. If mikrotik detect radar, then retune anywhere. If you define scan list 5500-5700 everything will be fine.
Again: What you wrote is acceptable, IF I set into freguency field "auto" NOT if I set right on single concrete frequency there ! Do you understand ? In current state the item "auto" in frequency box is obsolete, if Mikrotik uses ramdomly "auto" whenever it want according to wierd algorithm in backgroud ! Even if I shrink in "frequency" list frequencies to 5500-5700, channel jumps as it likes randomly in this range under some (not exacty known) conditions ... After that item Frequency in folders "Wireless" and " Status" are not consistent and user is not able to quarantee on which frequency his AP will broadcast ! I consider it totally wrong, if AP is out of control such way... If i will want automatic channel choice, then let me set "auto" instead of frequency. After that, let frequency jumps in given range and respect "Contry" rules. But in cities with over 150 AP on Scan list is automatic totally unusable and if not switchable OFF, then is Mikrotik obsolete... Whole time is only jumping over frequencies, finding "better" channel but it does not exist or will still change according to automatics on other APs in range... IF all will allow automatic, free frequency space will became totally unusable due cyclic changing frequencies at all APs....Again, it is your responsibility to set the scan list to what is legal for your use, and then if you want a specific channel, you will need to then set that frequency. However, if you DO NOT set the scan range, if it detects an issue on the channel you want, it will use the best available for the legal range, which is 5170-5710 & 5725-5875.
While I agree this is weird and undesirable, it is how the AP is supposed to operate within the standard and license conditions. It is not a MikroTik invention, all legal APs do this.Again: What you wrote is acceptable, IF I set into freguency field "auto" NOT if I set right on single concrete frequency there ! Do you understand ? In current state the item "auto" in frequency box is obsolete, if Mikrotik uses ramdomly "auto" whenever it want according to wierd algorithm in backgroud !
If you read versions changelog, DFS and radar detect is obligatory since some 6.x version. Bug is, when Mikrotik detect radar even at frequencies, where is none. Some strange AP or client can trigger it, i don´t know... Sometimes of course, not regular.You can still set superchannel mode or no country set or select any other country that fits your needs better...
It's not so simple. If you're somewhere in the middle of CR, you probably only need to worry about these two. But if you're somewhere closer to border, there are also radars from neighboring countries. And they won't be happy either, if your device makes pretty pictures on their screens...., detect radar only at frequencies, that can occur. In Czech rep, it is: 5645 MHz and 5635 MHz.
Sob, especially in Czech rep. i do not worry a bout foreign radars, as Czech rep is a nice bowl with mountains on the outskirts, shielded from radar neighboring countries. There are rare places, where could be affected radars eg. in Austria or Slovak rep. If automatic detectin doesn´t work well, then must be ability to switching it off manually as it was before.. Or Mikrotik will became an unusable piece of hardware. Next "solution" could be return to old firmwares, where where DFS could be swithed off... But debugging and new features will be lost.It's not so simple. If you're somewhere in the middle of CR, you probably only need to worry about these two. But if you're somewhere closer to border, there are also radars from neighboring countries. And they won't be happy either, if your device makes pretty pictures on their screens.
Sure it works at village ... but not in cities. You probabaly have not such site survey (and this is not complete yet ! )Sure I do care about ČTÚ. It looks so far my links are working fine even when dfs is in place. I am using regulatory domain everywhere and even setting antenna gain values much higher to lower the tx power at lowest reliably working level. I wish everyone was doing the same...
Enabling DFS is required to comply with legal regulations, which is usually a requirement to import equipment legally.If automatic detectin doesn´t work well, then must be ability to switching it off manually as it was before.. Or Mikrotik will became an unusable piece of hardware. Next "solution" could be return to old firmwares, where where DFS could be swithed off... But debugging and new features will be lost.
Probably it is now back to the state it has been in for years? I can try it later, preferably when the version is released, but I guess it will not work at our site.There's definitely a bug with DFS in recent versions, Apple devices in particular cause spurious radar detections. The RC is supposed to fix this, after upgrading I've had one more radar detect (I used to never get any - indoor use) so it improved but it's not perfect.
They should read ChangeLogs and do some testing before upgrade. It's their own fault if they don't do that.many ISP are not aware of it and after upgrade could pay fines
What's new in 6.37 (2016-Sep-23 08:20):
DFS configuration in RouterOS has been redesigned, now device looks at specified country settings (/interface wireless info country-info), and applies corresponding DFS mode for each frequency range automatically, making dfs-mode setting unnecessary.
Please, check that your frequencies work with corresponding DFS settings before upgrade.
Note that there are two other issues mentioned:We were able to detect the false radar detection - iPhone 6s were triggering the DFS. We were able to fix it. Current RC version (v6.39rc58) contains a fix for that.
And in the next RC version which we will release soon we have finetuned that detection even better.
DFS only hops to other channels in the scan-list. If you don't set up your scan-list correctly for indoor or outdoor use, you're going to have a bad time.- DFS making the AP hop from a DFS to a non-DFS (indoor) channel. Has it been fixed?
Do you mean " Uniform Spreading" in Final draft ETSI EN 301 893 V2.1.0 (2017-03)?In fact, limiting the DFS scan range using a scan list is explicitly disallowed in the regulations.
The first issue happened to me also. After creating a new scanlist this was solved. Since the installation is outdoor, I've made a scanlist with only the allowed channels for outdoor usage.Note that there are two other issues mentioned:We were able to detect the false radar detection - iPhone 6s were triggering the DFS. We were able to fix it. Current RC version (v6.39rc58) contains a fix for that.
And in the next RC version which we will release soon we have finetuned that detection even better.
- DFS making the AP hop from a DFS to a non-DFS (indoor) channel. Has it been fixed?
- DFS detecting radar that is on another channel (not an iPhone but a real radar). This is a problem that has existed at least since 6.29 and probably before that.
Unfortunately, this picture seing 117 AP´s was from 24 dBi parabollic antenna on side wall of house (window mounted), not from Omni at top of house... Remember that every AP has connected several stations, that are not visible, but are interferring as well... then count about 500 interferred points in Cities at 12 Channels together, where UPC "supermodems" take 4 channels at OUTDOOR frequency 5560ac MHz ( /Ceee = using 5500, 5520, 5540 and 5560 MHz ) at power 1 Watt (30dBi) for each flat !!! Radars are 6635 and 6645 MHz, so what remains for others? 5580, 6000, 6200, 6600, 6800 and 7000 MHz. Only 6 Channels, that are not in countinuous range! Forget use of /ac technology outside buildings and for /n remains 4 channel posiibilities, where each couple interferres... Without interference with self you can make only 2 independent /n (2-channels/40 MHz/300 Mbit) connections or 6 classic (1-channel/20 MHz/150 Mbit) . And in this environment Mikrotik implemented forced DFS that works bad and considers as "radar" what radar is not! ... Sad, isn´t it? It becames unusable... :/Nice catch.
I would have the same if I had an omni antenna on top of my house... But I am not doing that. I am using as narrow antennas as much I can in order to be shielded away from this. Also because of that I have only about 20 SSIDs on my 5G antennas at rural places.