I'm looking to change all of my tower sites over to PPPoE from DHCP. At each tower site, there are two different IP subnets:
10.1.x.x/24 My Equipment
10.2.x.x/24 CPE DHCP addresses
I've read that it is bad practice to place an IP address on a PPPoE interface/bridge for security reasons. At one tower location, for example, I would have an access point ( and the customers would be getting addresses from the PPPoE server ( The access point doesn't have PPPoE for authentication, only static or DHCP. What would I need to setup in order to access my equipment on the PPPoE interface without compromising security? I'm assuming if I place the on the bridge interface to get to my equipment, someone could just enter a static IP address on that subnet to get internet. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.