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Run Winbox on a Raspberry Pi?

Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:36 am

Sorry if this is a dumb question... but it would be great to run Winbox from a Pi.

Thanks in advance.
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Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:22 am

Well. Why it would be great? Are you carrying pi in your pocket when climbing to a tower?
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Re: Run Winbox on a Raspberry Pi?

Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:37 am

The question is unclear. You can already run Winbox in a Raspberry Pi.
Raspberry is a computer that can run Linux. Linux can run Winbox.
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Re: Run Winbox on a Raspberry Pi?

Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:31 am

Can you detail this statement a little?
AFAIK, RP is ARM based and does not support wine...
Is there a native linux or a java version available?
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Re: Run Winbox on a Raspberry Pi?

Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:59 pm

Can you detail this statement a little?
AFAIK, RP is ARM based and does not support wine...
Is there a native linux or a java version available?
My mistake then. But the question is not for us, but for Wine developers.
MikroTik has never made Winbox for Linux, we do have Webfig that works on all platforms.
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Re: Run Winbox on a Raspberry Pi?

Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:28 pm

Can you detail this statement a little?
AFAIK, RP is ARM based and does not support wine...
Is there a native linux or a java version available?
My mistake then. But the question is not for us, but for Wine developers.
MikroTik has never made Winbox for Linux, we do have Webfig that works on all platforms.
docmarius is correct - I was not asking about router OS. I prefer Winbox over Webfig which is why I asked the question if there was an option for Linux/Raspberry Pi. Consider it a request and not an indictment.............
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Re: Run Winbox on a Raspberry Pi?

Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:44 pm

Just to make the analysis a little more accurate:
- Wine is an emulation, not a VM, that means it needs to be hosted on the same processor class as windows (x86 or x86-64)
- VMs available on linux are paravirtualized, that means the architecture of the guest OS must be the same to the one of the host OS (which leads again to x86 or x86-64, ruling out a VM a non-x64 machine). A full x86 emulation would heavily impair the performance of the system and would make it virtually unusable even on high performance hardware.
- the plugins downloaded by Winbox are Windows DLLs if I am not mistaken, so any non-Windows system is out of the question. And to be compatible with every Windows OS, they are 32bit versions.
This leaves no open doors for any non x86 system to run Winbox on anything else than x86 systems.

Unless sometime in the future, there could be a transition to Java for example which would allow them running on Windows, MacOS, iOS, BSD, Android and Linux, basically on any device supporting a JVM. But I think this is wishful thinking :lol:
Last edited by docmarius on Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Run Winbox on a Raspberry Pi?

Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:50 pm

We have no plans for that.

Webfig was created for this purpose.
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Re: Run Winbox on a Raspberry Pi?

Fri Jun 17, 2016 3:40 am

you can run winbox in raspberry pi using wine by first installing exagear desktop. here's the link
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Re: Run Winbox on a Raspberry Pi?

Fri Jun 17, 2016 11:52 am

Looks like there is no standard Wine for ARM, so normal Wine Winbox should work. 
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Re: Run Winbox on a Raspberry Pi?

Tue Jan 03, 2017 6:48 pm

you can run winbox in raspberry pi using wine by first installing exagear desktop. here's the link
Did you tested it?
I'm in the same situation and I want to test ExaGear Desktop in order to run Winbox on Raspberry Pi
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Re: Run Winbox on a Raspberry Pi?

Sat May 20, 2017 4:08 pm

I think it would be great to use raspi 3 and install winbox if you want to remote the mikrotik router using raspi 3. It consumes low power rather than the desktop or laptop.
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Re: Run Winbox on a Raspberry Pi?

Sat May 20, 2017 6:24 pm

Why not releasing debian package?

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Re: Run Winbox on a Raspberry Pi?

Sat May 20, 2017 8:43 pm

you can run winbox in raspberry pi using wine by first installing exagear desktop. here's the link
Did you tested it?
I'm in the same situation and I want to test ExaGear Desktop in order to run Winbox on Raspberry Pi
I used ExaGear Desktop + Wine and Winbox runs fine on Raspberry Pi 3
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Re: RE: Re: Run Winbox on a Raspberry Pi?

Sat May 20, 2017 10:52 pm

you can run winbox in raspberry pi using wine by first installing exagear desktop. here's the link
Did you tested it?
I'm in the same situation and I want to test ExaGear Desktop in order to run Winbox on Raspberry Pi
I used ExaGear Desktop + Wine and Winbox runs fine on Raspberry Pi 3
This is not free
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Re: Run Winbox on a Raspberry Pi?

Wed May 24, 2017 12:00 pm

But is cheap and works great
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Re: Run Winbox on a Raspberry Pi?

Mon Jul 03, 2017 11:41 am

If you would like to test ExaGear, by the way, here is the way (they keep their trial in Repository):
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install exagear-desktop

After the installation, run 'exagear' command and fill in the pop-up form. If you face an error, saying "Can't open display: Failed to issue trial key", you simply need to connect a Pi to a monitor. If you don't have a monitor ... pi/#sshx11
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Re: Run Winbox on a Raspberry Pi?

Mon Jul 03, 2017 8:15 pm

Why not releasing debian package?
... as it makes ubnt
deb stable ubiquiti
:-) Just kidding.

I have never seen Winbox. I think Webfig is the same, only universal for any OS that has a web browser. Who needs Winbox?
I think encrypted access with Winbox also does not work. Webfig via https or ssh login is much safer.
Stop the Winbox development and use the resources for ROS 7.
The Android app for mobile is also there, what should I run with a Raspberry outside?

I've never seen an admin without a laptop.
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Re: Run Winbox on a Raspberry Pi?

Mon Jul 03, 2017 8:36 pm

This is not free
But is cheap and works great
I think ErfanDL means: 'Free as in freedom, not free as in beer'

Exagear is not open source, AFAIK.
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Re: Run Winbox on a Raspberry Pi?

Mon Jul 03, 2017 9:00 pm

I have never seen Winbox. I think Webfig is the same, only universal for any OS that has a web browser. Who needs Winbox?
Right, who needs Winbox... said the guy that in the same paragraph admits he hasn't even seen it!

LMAO :lol:

Dude, go check it out first and then come suggesting to deprecate a powerful tool like winbox in favor of a stupid web interface just for the sake of it.

WebFig != Winbox
Winbox > WebFig
WebFig = Toy
Winbox = MikroTik
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Re: Run Winbox on a Raspberry Pi?

Tue Jul 04, 2017 6:51 am

Real men use SSH / console.

If you're fixated on having WinBox, try Fedora 25 on your Raspberry Pi. You'll get a very recent version of qemu and wine. They may be new enough to emulate i386 proficiently enough to get a working WinBox.
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Re: Run Winbox on a Raspberry Pi?

Wed Jul 05, 2017 10:44 pm

I have never seen Winbox. I think Webfig is the same, only universal for any OS that has a web browser. Who needs Winbox?
Right, who needs Winbox... said the guy that in the same paragraph admits he hasn't even seen it!
Asked the guy! You saw the question mark?

What can Winbox more or better than Webfig? (Router without WLAN) Especially on a mini screen like mobile phone or Rasberry? Can Winbox connect itself encrypted with the router? The Android app and Webfig can do it.
Dude, go check it out first and then come suggesting to deprecate a powerful tool like winbox in favor of a stupid web interface just for the sake of it./quote]

Sorry, no Windows at home over 20 Jears. I use SSH via Terminal for most. So I can configure my devices from all manufacturers. I have not only MikroTiK's. ;-) I do not want to have additional software for each device to manage.