So this might sound a bit mad, but I want to send my outbound traffic through one interface and receive traffic through another interface. I'm using an RB2011. I do have the luxury of a CHR in AWS, and one static IP here.
I have two lines, one is VDSL (with static IP), the other is LTE (with dynamic IP)
The LTE line is much faster than the VDSL line:
LTE - 30Mbps down, 5-6Mbps up
VDSL - 25Mbps down, 1.5Mbps up
However, it costs A LOT to use data on the LTE line.
I'd like to use LTE for my uplink, and VDSL for my downlink.
Is this possible? Can I trick loadbalancing into doing the dirty work for me, by each end using a different line/tunnel/interface as primary?