Hello guys
I'm facing a strange problem with CCR. I use it with radius as a hub and I use nat rules on it.
When someone disconnects a PPPOE or simply drops somebody, the CPU over a lot in average 30% when only one person falls, soon after stabilizes in 5%, even with 700mbps passing inside the interface of entrance.
The problem is that when it drops many pppoes, the Mikrotik hangs and drops all the pppoes, which takes in average 5 minutes, leaving all clients without connections until all sessions are cleared, then clients begin to authenticate again.
I noticed that this only happens when there is an active NAT rule, no rule, no matter what it is.
I'm going crazy already, I've put all the versions of the imaginable router.
As IPV4 is running out of ips, I unfortunately need to make a nat, already try mascarede, src-nat without success.
Someone with similar problem?
Sorry for the bad english, because my default language is portugues brazil
Thank you all for reading and replying.