Okey now i try Open VPN !
I use this article
http://paulswasteland.blogspot.bg/2015/ ... rotik.html but the client side has error - termination-TLS failed but on the server side TPC connection estabilished from ....
1 - I synchronized the time
2 - I executed the following scripts on the server router ( -> with DHCP Server)
/certificate add name=ca-template common-name=myCa key-usage=key-cert-sign,crl-sign
/certificate add name=server-template common-name=server
/certificate add name=client1-template common-name=client1
/certificate sign ca-template ca-crl-host= name=myCa
/certificate sign ca=myCa server-template name=server
/certificate sign ca=myCa client1-template name=client1
/certificate set myCa trusted=yes
/certificate set server trusted=yes
/certificate export-certificate myCa
/certificate export-certificate client1 export-passphrase=xxxxxxxx
3- I copied myCA.crt and client1.crt files and imported them into System-> certificates import in the client site!
4-I set up the server configuration in the way shown in the article.
5-I made the client setup the same way as the example.
6 - Ip-> Routes I created the destination in
server ip- (where is my DHCP server) and the gateway -> real ip of the
Ip->Routes I created the destination in
client ip- (where is my DHCP server) and gateway -> real ip of the
7-I rebooted both routers!
Where is the problem?