I have a hub and spoke network, spokes connected with ovpn to hub and rip configured. Each spoke has 3 connected networks that are advertised to the hub. The problem is that there are hundreds of spokes and there's some flapping going on - either spokes that get disconnected or interfaces that go down, mostly natural causes . This flapping is causing havoc among all other spokes, with rip neighbors losing advertised routes(timed out). The ovpn interfaces do no drop, only the routing updates fail sometimes. This leads to routing table re-advertising and so on.
Is there a way to summarize routes at each spoke? The spokes each advertise a /26, /27 and /28.
The RIP timers are set at 15s/30s/45s. Would it help if I set them higher, let's say at minutes ?
Any other way of mitigating the route flapping ? Static routing is not an option and if possible I would like to avoid ospf