In the last 24h I forced a TTL of 1sec to all DNS entries and there where no registration losts on my VoIP. So I am pretty sure that the ISPs DNS SRV Records are corrupt regarding TTL, weight, priority.
I am already in discussion with my ISP, but as usual: To get someone on the phone, who is able to follow a discussion like this hard

...and, if u don't us their hardware they are very suspisious

Nerverthe less I send them logs from the packet sniffer, we will c...
And yes, it is a server-side problem and need to be fixed there, BUT until that I have to use this line

and I don't want to drive the ISPs DNS mad, therefore I asked how to send DNS requests for certain domains directly to the DNS of the ISP. I can't do that on the VoiP client, because the DNS Servers are dynamic (pushed by PPPoE). Ok, that won't work within the Mikrotik, so i use a TTL of 1sec....