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Bgp hold time error issue

Wed Jun 21, 2017 6:39 pm

I'm having an issue in routeros where I'm trying to bring up a second bgp peer. When I enable the second peer that peer establishes for a second then eventually times out with hold timer expires. If I disable the first peer that is receiving 430 routes and enable the second peer it stays up fine with no issues.

It only seems to happen when I have both peers enabled at the same time.

Any idea what would be going on?

I've turned off any firewall when this is happening. On both devices.
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Re: Bgp hold time error issue

Fri Jul 14, 2017 6:43 pm

What RouterOS version and hardware?
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Re: Bgp hold time error issue

Fri Jul 14, 2017 8:19 pm

Do you have separate directly connected (e.g. /30) networks for both peerings?
Or is it some sort of multihop setup?
In that case, your first peering is probably adding a route for the network you are using for the second peering.