ECMP is a feature of IP routing, OSPF is a dynamic routing protocol.
Equal-cost multi-path routing (ECMP) is a routing strategy where next-hop packet forwarding to a single destination can occur over multiple "best paths" which tie for top place in routing metric calculations. Multi-path routing can be used in conjunction with most routing protocols, because it is a per-hop decision limited to a single router. It can substantially increase bandwidth by load-balancing traffic over multiple paths; however, there may be significant problems in deploying it in practice.[1] RFC 2991 discusses multi-path routing in general.
So, in certain situations, ECMP can be leveraged to automatically use
n number or links between two given sites, with the effect of load balancing, or spreading traffic amongst all of them, effectively enhancing throughput between two given points.
What BartoszP pointed is that as PTPs are half-duplex radio links, OSPF can be used to artificially create a full duplex link, by making OSPF not to use ECMP as it would in a scenario like this image depicts, but actually manipulate interface costs, so that traffic flows like this:
Bridge A ========> Bridge C
Bridge B <======== Bridge D
This way radio A is always Tx'ing to Radio C, and Radio D is Tx'ing to Radio B.
This doesn't double bandwith for a given direction, but as you move Upload/Download traffic to each link, capacity and specially latency is enhanced for both.
So going back to your question:
My goal is distribute the traffic between the two rockets titannium that I have but with redundance in case if one of them goes down.
How can I do that?
You can use either:
A) Bonding
B) OSPF to leverage ECMP so that traffic flows amongst both links.
but not the two at the same time. i.e. OSPF is not needed if you use bonding.