Is there anyone who can test https://github.com/heximcz/routerboard-backup
I will be glad for any suggestions here or via github issues.
Thank you very much for your response.I'm lazy and happy enough with what I use now, so I did not test your solution (sorry ), but I have one feature idea for you. Going by the description, it doesn't seem like you have it.
In my own solution (simple php script hacked together long time ago, nothing really interesting, no automation whatsoever, etc..) I store configs (.rsc) in SVN repository (today I'd probably use Git). Compared to simple files on disk it's much easier to find what and when changed. It also allows to have unlimited history (even though several years old configs aren't very useful in most cases), because occupied disk space grows only when something actually changes in config.
Hello,... I store configs (.rsc) in SVN repository (today I'd probably use Git). ....