The documentation that results from a "wmm mikrotik" search is
Which is Kafka-esque bad. It's a boolean on other network routers yet that page makes it look like a 20 step process.
(remember, that both require setting up correct rule(s)!)
Well, although that document is titleed "Manual:WMM" it really isn't a manual. It merely is a white paper on WMM.
It does however touch on the subject that WMM, and QoS in general, is not as straightforward as some make you think.
You really need to decide on the strategy you are going to use and what effect you want and can expect.
Of course, this does not preclude a better manual and maybe some wizard button to implement a default form of WMM
similar to what you find in other equipment. Fine-tuning could be done by those who really care.
For MikroTik, it would likely consist of:
/interface wireless
set [ find default-name=wlan1 ] wmm-support=enabled
/ip firewall mangle
add action=set-priority chain=postrouting new-priority=from-dscp-high-3-bits passthrough=yes
One could argue these should be in the default settings these days.
Additional mangle rules to set the DSCP for traffic passing by are possible, but with reasonably designed equipment
on a local network they often are not required. When traffic is coming in from internet, it can be a different story.
(some ISP just clear out the DSCP field... and the sending party may not have set it correctly)
Some equipment from other manufacturers has a config page where you can enable some rules e.g. to prioritize
VoIP traffic, this normally works by matching certain protocol/port combinations and can be done in mangle rules.
However, this is less straightforward and will often have to be adapted to local situation.