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checking wan script and schedule wont work? WHY?

Mon Sep 11, 2017 9:47 pm

This is a code
#set variables
:local pingcount 3
:local ipA
:local ipB

#ping gateways with src
:local pingresultA [/ping src-address=$ipA count=$pingcount]
:local pingresultB [/ping src-address=$ipB count=$pingcount]

#if link_A is UP
:if (($pingresultA=3)) do={
#send email
/tool e-mail send subject=($ipA . " is up ") \
body=("the gateway is up now at: " . [/system clock get date]) \ to=("") tls=yes

#enable scheduler-Both
/system scheduler set [find name=ping_google_link_Both] disabled=no
/system scheduler set [find name=ping_google_link_B] disabled=yes
#disable scheduler-A
/system scheduler set [find name=ping_google_link_A] disabled=yes


#set variables
:local pingcount 3
:local ipA
:local ipB

#ping gateways with src
:local pingresultA [/ping src-address=$ipA count=$pingcount]
:local pingresultB [/ping src-address=$ipB count=$pingcount]

#if Link_B is UP
:if (($pingresultB=3)) do={
#send email
/tool e-mail send subject=($ipB . " is up ") \
body=("the gateway is up now at: " . [/system clock get date]) \ to=("") tls=yes

#enable scheduler-Both
/system scheduler set [find name=ping_google_link_Both] disabled=no
#disable scheduler-A
/system scheduler set [find name=ping_google_link_A] disabled=yes
#disable scheduler-B
/system scheduler set [find name=ping_google_link_B] disabled=yes



#set variables
:local pingcount 3
:local ipA
:local ipB
:global state no

#ping gateways with src
:local pingresultA [/ping src-address=$ipA count=$pingcount]
:local pingresultB [/ping src-address=$ipB count=$pingcount]

#if link_A is DOWN and link_B is UP then:
:if (($pingresultA=0) && ($pingresultB>0)) do={
#send email
/tool e-mail send subject=($ipA . " is down") \
body=("the gateway is down now at: " . [/system clock get date]) \ to=("") tls=yes

#disable scheduler-A
/system scheduler set [find name=ping_google_link_A] disabled=no
#disable scheduler-B
/system scheduler set [find name=ping_google_link_B] disabled=yes
#disable scheduler-Both
/system scheduler set [find name=ping_google_link_Both] disabled=yes

#if link_A is UP and link_B is DOWN then:
:if (($pingresultA>0) && ($pingresultB=0)) do={
#send email
/tool e-mail send subject=($ipB . " is down") \
body=("the gateway is down now at: " . [/system clock get date]) \ to=("") tls=yes

#disable scheduler-B
/system scheduler set [find name=ping_google_link_B] disabled=no
#disable scheduler-A
/system scheduler set [find name=ping_google_link_A] disabled=yes
#disable scheduler-Both
/system scheduler set [find name=ping_google_link_Both] disabled=yes

and this is schedule
/system scheduler
add disabled=yes interval=5s name=ping_google_link_B on-event=scheduler-B \
ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,winbox,password,sniff,sensitive,api \
start-date=jan/01/1970 start-time=00:00:00
add interval=5s name=ping_google_link_Both on-event=scheduler-Both policy=\
ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,winbox,password,sniff,sensitive,api \
start-date=jan/01/1970 start-time=00:00:00
add disabled=yes interval=5s name=ping_google_link_A on-event=scheduler-A \
ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,winbox,password,sniff,sensitive,api \
start-date=jan/01/1970 start-time=00:00:00
When count is strating in schedule i can see that Both is active, when something went wrong it should inform me and active script must be that which interface is in problem. So when I tried to disable a another wan interface, nothing happend, counting of schedule is still raising, like nothing happend. I tried to use a first usable line of script which tests a ping from a lanIP, and when I disabled interface ping is lost, so that part is working, i cant just figure out why the rest (informing, and changing to script of lost interface) is not working.

BtW i found this script here ... ns-to.html
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Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Oct 20, 2016 10:22 pm

Re: checking wan script and schedule wont work? WHY?

Sun Oct 08, 2017 10:20 pm

I got simmilar issues, try to check policy on scheduler and script, probably dude missing on scheduler and is present on script.