Sat Oct 07, 2017 12:00 pm
Then you'll need to to it the not optimal way.
It's not optimal because you're forcing the radio on the repeater to split its tasks in two, so it:
- halves the bandwidth
- doubles the latency
- halves available spectrum efficiency for everyone.
Say wired hAP is A, repeating hAP is B, and user C is connected to hAP B.
When User C uses Internet:
1- hAP B Rx petition from User C
2.-hAP B Tx Petition to hAP A (Hap B cannot act as AP for local coverage while is Tx/Rx'ing to hAP A)
3- hAP A Tx -> Hap B the response. During this, hAP B cannot act as AP for local coverage users while is Tx/Rx'ing from hAP A
4- hAP B Tx to User C. In the meanwhile, it cannot do #2 or #3 for other users connected to hAP B.
It accomplishes all this by task switching, but this comes with a cost, as changing radio modes between AP and station requires internal calibration routines, etc.
As they're both dual band, use the less used Band radio to link both Haps (5GHz). This way at least on 2.4GHz both hAPs will perform optimally.