I have a hAP and have set wlan1 as a station to connect to whatever public internet I have access to. Then I have a virtual AP on it, wlan-VAP, that lets me log into the hAP and also connect all my devices to the WAN without having to log each one into the public WiFi.
I have the master wlan1 set up as client so it will pick the best frequencies to cover the larger distance, since my devices will be near the hAP. (Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thing making the master the AP and the client/station the virtual wlan will make it hard to connect to the public WiFi.)
The problem is that wlan-VAP does not come up until wlan1 connects to something. I have to be able to connect to the router to set up the client (station) and I don't want to use an Ethernet cable. Is there a way around this?
If there is a way, the please also tell me: how do I disconnect the client without shutting down the radio? I want to be a good citizen and not be connected to the public WiFi longer than necessary, but I don't know how to disconnect without also taking down the virtual AP.