In RB2011 only first five ports are Gigabit, rest is 100Mb. How is your NAS and PC connected? Second is traffic running thru switch chip? It looks like one of those two things
NAS on port Eth2. Computer on port Eth3, so both on Gigabit ports.
How can I check if traffic is going through switch chip? I believe my ports are not currently configured as switch. But how can I check?
Thanks a lot
Check do you have "Master-port" and does other ports till eth5 connected to Master-port, below you got screen from my config in WinBox
On screen you see eth3 but all ports from 3 to 5 should have similar setup
There are two master ports because on this unit you got 2 switch chip's and If you want to bridge both chip's 1Gb and 100Mb then only software way (there is no wire connection between chip's) so it will use CPU.
OK, so I checked and this is what I have:
Eth1: gateway, not slave. Master: none
Eth2 (NAS): slave. Master: none
Eth3 (PC): slave. Master: none
Eth4 (unused): slave. Master: none
Eth5: same as Eth4
My understanding is that none of these ports are configured in Switch mode. If they were, I would see the Master field pointing to another port among Eth1-5. Am I right?
Thanks again for your precious help.