I own RB951G-2HnD router box, and i configure it long ago, i'm not advance mikrotik user, just did it as my first attempt using internet, and left it beside...
But i need two config....
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my connection is like this: ISP <- RADIO <----|---> RADIO -----> ROUTER ------> SWITCH/WiFi User --------> PC
And My connection is like: <----------------------------- PPPoE
IPs: [---------------CLASS B----------------------]
[-CLASS C &]
BUT, now i think of redirecting traffic requested for custom ip address which is not exists within the range( if possible other wise just network 192.168.0.X, and if it's still imposible, just simply redirect traffic to router it self this one with specific port address)) from all ethernet port, which may already be marked by local bridge, to ethernet 1 and ip of .
I already tried some, but as i have no knowledge about what these keywords mean, and also the combonition and direction of using IP/port/etc, i couldn't accoumpish this task, so i come to get some help. (Here i want direct access to my radio SSH and Panel without cutting off MIKROTIK, and switch lot of cables, and my system TCP Configuration to get it).
Also i require to set an external remote access to my PC, previously i set something: dstnat tcp 3389 ip .... but that didn't worked at that time, i just keep the rule to fix it, but i didn't till today. please help with that too.