Mon Jan 08, 2018 1:28 pm
It is a "problem" of the Huawei stick. Since it cannot pass the real internet IP to the Mikrotik, so it does it's own NAT. Not really a problem, but the processor in the device is not powerful for a lot of people. That it is why it is a USB stick. It is meant for one laptop / device.
I know that Teltonika is more expensive, but from the other point: You install and forget. If you do the "el cheapo" version with the Huawei stick, you might end up walking around, resetting the stick ./ Mikrotik etc....
And most of it: The users will be not happy. That is something users DO care about, is that the internet is STABLE. It does not have to be super fast, as long as they do not need to stop working when the Huawei stick get's stuck, call you, wait for you to come and fix it.....
For 25 people, I would definitely NOT recommend the Huawei stick. It will be overloaded and it will stop working after a lot of traffic.
So really, consider the Teltonika, since you can do a LOT of nicer things than with the Huawei stick.