I have a hotspot setup on the PHYSICAL interface (wlan1), which I wish to use "normally". I have setup 2 virtual APs (VAPs) (wlan2,wlan3) using physical interface wlan1. I then created 2 more hotsopt servers for these VAPs. So there is actually 3 hotspots for the customers to connect to.
hotspot1 (wlan1) is to work like normal (authenticate, then have full access to the internet).
hotspots 2 and 3 are to be for advertising ONLY. What I wish to do, is if someone connects to either of these VAPs/hotspots, is to send them directly to advertising pages (no login prompt, directly to the ads). and then keep them within the ads... (no regular internet access).
For example: customer connects to hotspot2, opens a browser, and it redirects directly to our website (and allows browsing throught this website, but nowhere outside of this website), same thing for hotspot3, only a different website.
Is this possible? I have tried several things, and the closest I came to it was to create a redirect link to the website, then upload it with the name login.html so instead of being a loginpage, it tries to redirect to the preferred site (cheating, I know ). If the page is NOT in the walled garden, the browser gets stuck in a loop and does not go anywhere or load ANY page. If I put the website in the walled-garden, it just goes directly browsers homepage (with full internet access), and does not even show the preferred website...
anybody done anything like this? If so, your assistance will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks all...
Jerryf (MrCool)