Thank You, that is helpful, but, I was told that you could create a splash page with out using hotspots from my boss. You setup some port forwarding rules and a dst-nat to be redirected to a splash page. Basically what we want to do is if the customer needs to update their payment information, it would send them to that splash page. So, all we would have to do is setup in the mikrotik router and disable them from the address list and it suppose to redirect them to that splash page if that makes sense. My employer showed me this video from youtube:
And I went ahead and followed all the steps and configured my own NAT rules and such on a dummy mikrotik router I have and it doesnt seem to be working. I dont understand how you put them in what this guy calles the Delinquent list, I am assuming you add them to the address list and enable or disable them and its suppose to redirect them to the splash page.
Personally I dont think you can do it like this and you can only do it with setting up hot spots. Any Thoughts?
Thank you for your time.