Scenario 1:
Chromecast --> Zyxel NWA1123-ACV2 --> RB2011UiAS ETH2
If I connect laptop via Zyxel NWA1123-ACV2 (any SSID, either 5 or 2.4 Ghz) there are no issues to cast (Chromecast is visible & accessible)
Scenario 2:
Laptop --> Zyxel NWA1121-NI --> RB2011UiAS ETH3 (same network as above , just another AP in a different part of the house connecting to another port on Mikrotik RB2011UiAS, both ports Eth2 & Eth3 are part of the bridge)
I can ping Chromecast, but it is not available to cast to.
Obviously multicast is being stopped at Mikrotik. It makes no sense, as ALL devices ARE on the SAME IP range
The only way I could get it working was as per this
Code: Select all
Add the Chromecast to a static route. Use as your network/Host IP, as your netmask and the reserved IP address of the chromecast as the Gateway.