What is the best way to isolate an IP on wired or wireless network?
The goal is for that IP to be able to connect to the outside world/internet but nothing on the LAN
Specifically here the most basic way.
/ip firewall filter
add action=accept chain=forward src-address={YourIP Here} out-interface={Your Outbound Interface} comment="This allows your isolated IP to talk to the Internet Interface, thereby allowing web traffic.
add action-drop chain=forward src-address{your IP here} dst-address= comment="This will Drop any other traffic, thereby isolating your device.
As long as the accept rule is first, it will match all internet traffic. But this is a bit of a blunt instrument. It will not catch any unwanted traffic or broadcasts from the same subnet. If you can, subnet your network in such a way that devices you want to isolate can be completely separate.