Today I upgraded my RB450G to latest version, inclusive latest FW. no problem. Afterwards I tried to reset everything to factory config (system->Reset configuration). After reboot and connecting again with WinBox, the router displays information that the configuration is reset to etc, and shows the script used. However, when looking in the relevant configuration panes, there is nothing configured at all: no Filter rules or NAT, no DHCP, no DNS, no switch config, no renaming of interfaces, no addresses, NOTHING. In Terminal: "system default-configuration print" displays the correct script.
I then tried to copy the displayed script into the script editor (system/scripts add) and run the script. No errors, run count shows that it executed, but the configuration is still NOTHING.
I also tried to downgrade to v6.40.5 and repeat the whole process. Still NO configuration.
Suggestions anyone?