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RADIUS accounting request not sent: no response Please help

Tue Jan 27, 2009 9:31 pm

Can some one please please help me .
Every time I'm going to credit my users via http://x.x.x.x/userman my CPU goes to high like 70 % and I will start getting this message on logs : RADIUS accounting request not sent: no response
If anyone know this please please help I don't know what to do with this.
I do use level 6 on license I did all I know to fix this problem but noup same problem again and again.
I'm keep posting this problem and describe and better as I can.

thx selim
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Re: RADIUS accounting request not sent: no response Please h

Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:15 am

I also have the same issue with. AM using RB750G and radiusmanager 3.7.1 I cant seem to figure out whats going on.
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Re: RADIUS accounting request not sent: no response Please h

Thu Jun 03, 2010 8:18 am

Hi, I had this issue, until I upgraded and did a reset of the config. Try using the test pack 4.9 (link at the top of the forum)
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Re: RADIUS accounting request not sent: no response Please h

Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:15 am

Hi Gise

Ever since i changed my hotspot from PC based to a RB493AH with v4.9, i get the same error message in the log at a regular base. "RADIUS accounting request not sent, no response". I am however using a separate radius server. Any body else have this error? Maybe it is a problem with RB or mikrotik.
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Re: RADIUS accounting request not sent: no response Please h

Fri Jul 09, 2010 7:10 pm

I am seeing this on one of my hotspots as well. Hotspot is working, but it is not showing user usage (up and down bandwidth used) . I had to add a firewall filter rule for this setup, as it has more then one network. Before the rule below was added, I was getting a "cannot contact radius server" error.
4   chain=input action=accept protocol=udp src-address= dst-address= dst-port=1812 

Now with that rule, hotspot is working... but no user usage... and I am getting the below error.
15:59:46 hotspot,warning,debug blarkin ( RADIUS accounting request not sent: no response 
15:59:50 hotspot,error,info,debug tabys ( RADIUS accounting stop request not sent: no response 

This is a pretty basic setup.

e1 dsl
e2-e4 (Office Network)
e5 (HotSpot network) ->radio via ethernet
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Re: RADIUS accounting request not sent: no response Please h

Sun Aug 08, 2010 9:52 pm

I have been observing logs and i noticed this warning comes up if a user is logged on but communication between MT and the user is lost or your radius server is not responding to accounting packets sent to it. Check for both causes and try to solve them and you will not get the warning.
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Re: RADIUS accounting request not sent: no response Please h

Sun Jan 01, 2012 9:48 pm

Ur are all wrong!!!

Usually when a client (HotSpot user) log INto the system, the HotSpot Gateway sends information to the radius server, whos work is not only to authenticate, but to track the users behavior.
For that reason the Radius Server insert/update information into the accounting table which usually is called "radacct" table.
And because we are all lazy to search in that table, we put triggers to activate a set of do our job in a second!!!
Here we do the mistake!
If there is something wrong in one of the functions, I mean ERROR ! -> You get that message.
So, to keep doing mistakes and bad functions while you radius is working fine... just make the trigger to activate your set of functions after the Radius Server finish its job !

IF using a Billing System, u should keep an eye on ur logs! Cause most of those systems are made to work with different type of Databases or Version than the one u probably use! Especially those, who are Free-ware ( We wall love that word ) !!!
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Re: RADIUS accounting request not sent: no response Please help

Wed Mar 14, 2018 8:40 am

I have the same problem RADIUS accounting request not sent:no respond.
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Re: RADIUS accounting request not sent: no response Please help

Wed Mar 14, 2018 10:39 am

rb750 series is a low memory router cannot store many files. so kindly u have to uncheck the accounting fron ppp secretes or from radius and accounting is also eating a lot of processor.
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Re: RADIUS accounting request not sent: no response Please help

Sun Dec 02, 2018 8:05 am

just make radius timeout 3000ms