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Mikrotik Hotspot issues

Sun Jun 03, 2018 6:29 pm


I am Hiren Vyas, i am running WISP.
I have 2 NASs, one for PPPoE and other for HOTSPOT.

My PPPoE clients are able to brows internet, but HOTSPOT clients are not able to brows internet.
weird kind of errors coming,please someone revert if having any solution.

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Re: Mikrotik Hotspot issues

Sun Jun 03, 2018 8:30 pm

All of these images are pointless. You did not describe or post any of your Hotspot setup/config. No idea what is happening or if this is a config issue, etc.

You need to post some real information (like the hotspot setup) so we can actually work the problem.
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Re: Mikrotik Hotspot issues

Mon Jun 04, 2018 5:43 am

While I can't tell you exactly what your problem is, the images do give some things to look at:

1. It is normal to see a HTTPS error if you are trying to connect to a HTTPS enabled site before having authenticated to a hotspot - you should try a non-https page or simply use the DNS name you have for the local hotspot (or IP address) to force yourself to redirect to the login page
2. Coinhive is a crypto-coin miner software that can be embedded in webpages; people often do this to make money from idle machines that browse their site.. as you are seeing this detected as a threat and you do not know what it is then it is likely someone else has added this to your login page and I would review your router to make sure it is secure.. or ask your employees about it.
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Re: Mikrotik Hotspot issues

Tue Jun 05, 2018 3:04 pm

Agree to previous post in general; however, something else must be wrong, too.
As practically every client-device with recent OS (iOS, Android, Windows ...) tests the internet connection using _standard_ http, which triggers the captive portal. Or the MT hotspot.
At least, it should trigger, _unless_ the test for connectivity is failing, assuming internet conn, when it is _NOT_. This can happen in case of wrong walled garden, for example.
Or some very strange/old client device.