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wAP LTE kit - LTE I/F crashes repeatedly with IPv6 enabled

Tue Jun 05, 2018 11:27 am

I'm based in the UK and using a mobile telco called EE who are generally regarded as having the best 4G LTE service. Using a wAP LTE kit I have LTE pass-through working to a downstream RB2011 over a VLAN and all is good. Here's the relevant config:

Code: Select all

[admin@ACS-LTE1] /interface lte> export
# jun/05/2018 09:01:11 by RouterOS 6.42.3
# software id = VPGL-JN8Z
# model = RouterBOARD wAP R-2nD
# serial number = 86C6071C1396
/interface lte
set [ find ] mac-address=AC:FF:FF:00:00:00 name=lte1 pin=1111
/interface lte apn
set [ find default=yes ] apn=everywhere authentication=chap name=EE passthrough-interface=\
vlan-LTE passthrough-mac=auto password=secure user=eesecure
EE are using CGNAT and so my public IP is shared and I can't publish services from inside the LAN. When I attempt to enable IPv6 on the APN...

Code: Select all

set [ find default=yes ] apn=everywhere authentication=chap ip-type=ipv4-ipv6 name=EE passthrough-interface=vlan-LTE passthrough-mac=auto \
password=secure user=eesecure
... the lte1 interface flaps up and down, and in Winbox, the window for the lte1 interface keeps closing itself, almost as if the whole interface was crashing and being re-added every ten seconds or so.

What am I doing wrong?
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Re: wAP LTE kit - LTE I/F crashes repeatedly with IPv6 enabled

Tue Jun 05, 2018 11:59 am

Make a Supout.rif when this happens, email it to support to we can see what is going on