Thu Mar 08, 2007 8:55 pm
real useful diganet, thanks.... he was prob. trying to stress his actual question...
anyway, if all your clients will have line of sight with the AP antenna, (like people gathered in a hall, sitting at tables, no walls) and you are using something with more RAM than a RB 112 (i.e. a 59$ 133 !!!!!) and a good radio (r52, cm9, sr2). I would say ~40-50 users.....maybe more....are they all going to be streaming something @ 64k? or like surfing the web? if streaming some one else will have to chime in with input...web browsing and short burst type usage should be fine, and with much more than 64k per user...
EDIT: crap..just read the WDS part...does that mean this is a repeater?? if so then you could certanly have issues @30 ppl...what type of equip is the MASTER of the Repeater? RSSI? S/N?