Hello everyone and thank you for taking your time in reviewing my struggle with my port forwarding woes.
We have a customer that needs his DVR Camera port forwarded from our network, we gave him a statci address for his DVR Camera System with X.X.X.99 (class b) and his DVR Tech people have it setup on their system. He has the ports: 80, 81, 8000, and 10554 for his camera system and they are all tcp, i doubled check to make sure he did not need udp as well, I went into our mikrotik router and setup the ports like this:
In Firewall> NAT > New Rule:
Chain: dst-nat
Protocol: tcp
In Interface: ether 1 WAN
Actions Tab:
Action: Dst-nat
To Address: His Static address for his camera system: X.X.X.99
To Ports 81
In order to keep this short, I made these same rules for all the other ports, however when typing in our router's IP address and the port forward numbers 81, 8000, 10554, it does not bring me to his DVR Camera Login Screen or by typing the static IP address we gave him X.X.X.99 with the port forwarding number to follow.
This is the main problem, when I put this translation for port 80, and I type in our routers IP address for the web interface it directly takes me to his DVR Login screen and I can hit the camera system, however, it shouldn't do that! I should be able to type our routers IP address and with the port forwarding number and it should direct me to the camera system. I can see traffic going through the other ports, but, when I try entering those in the web browser, I never hit the DVR Login Screen, Only when Port 80 is opened.
I want to be able to hit his Camera system to insure its working and to make sure that the customer can see his camera's and I can login to our router by web interface.
Any help is appreciated,
I have tried a number of things, and it keeps doing this same problem.