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MikroTik RBwAPG-60ad kit Wireless Wire

Mon Jul 09, 2018 5:03 pm

Hello !
I recently bought this kit, I mounted it and have the following values ​​that are in the attach pictures.
Values ​​are for "Slave" with traffic and without traffic. Are they good values?

What is Signal max value?
What is MCS max value?
What is RSSI max value?
What is TX Sector? What is the best value?
What is TX Sector Info? Should be "center" or not?
What is RX Sector? What is the best value?
"Distance" is for real or is it approximativa?

Does Signal Decrease and MCS Stays Constant When No Traffic Is? (I mean "stand by")

The Signal and MCS should be the same for Master and Slave? (I use these Master and Slave terms as they used to be before updating)

Can I change the frequency or do I have to? Is it better in Auto?

Can I change the signal strength? Or is it not necessary?

Now I have 6.42.5. The Master and Slave are not anymore. If I connect to "Master" with winbox can i see the stutus for both? (i mean master and slave)

I've put a "conected to master"( in stand by mode, no traffic) printscreen in which I'd like to know if
W60G - Is Master? and W60G - Is Slave?

What port should be forwarded to see outside my network with TikApp?

Sorry for so many questions but I have not found any answers.

If there is anything else you think I should know you can write me here.

Thank you !
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