I have several internal subnets with WAN Access and the following NAT-Rule:
Code: Select all
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="masquerade LAN->WAN" out-interface-list=WAN
Can someone help me to change my NAT rule?
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="masquerade LAN->WAN" out-interface-list=WAN
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="masquerade LAN->WAN" out-interface-list=WAN src-address-type=!multicast
add action=accept chain=forward comment="SONOS: forward Multicast traffic" \
add action=accept chain=forward comment=\
"SONOS: forward Controller events to Players" dst-port=1400,4444,4070 \
in-interface-list="Sonos Control" out-interface=vlan30 protocol=tcp
add action=accept chain=forward comment=\
"SONOS: Forward Contoller events from Players" dst-port=\
3400,3401,3500,4070 in-interface=vlan30 out-interface-list=\
"Sonos Control" protocol=tcp
add action=accept chain=forward comment=\
"SONOS. Forward UPnP Device Discovery events from Players" dst-port=\
1900,1901,5353,6969 in-interface=vlan30 out-interface-list=\
"Sonos Control" protocol=udp