Attempting to send an email using the /Tool E-Mail Send command, the command does not return success or failure and a few seconds later, an error appears in the log file.
Is there a simple way to check if the e-mail was sent successfully?
Is there a way to get a detailed error message saying why the e-mail was not sent successfully?
I receive the error "Error talking to server" when attempting to connect to my upline email account on the iBurst network, yet the same command worked perfectly when trying it on the telkom ADSL network.
Attempting to communicate to another SMTP server on my upline's upline, I receive the error "invalid TO address" instead.
Neither message makes any sense and there does not appear to be any other way to send information out from the router.
Is there a way to fire a URL request, such as or a http POST?
Is there any other way to send an email?