Hey guys!
I've just got a new Router(Mikrotik hAP lite, RouterOS v3.41) and an dude from my local internet provider configured it for me.
I've the following config: Bridge1 and Gateway on, Router-IP: and on the router four ethernet cables.
I am using radio link from an antenna connected to my router to my local fire department's radio link which is connected via optical fiber to the internet.
I don't know where this Bridge1 should be (I've only got one Router).
Anyway, my problem is the following:
I've got an RaspberryPI for my VPN server (OpenVPN on Port 1194). I've tried to forward this Port on my Router ( because I've no access to this and I've ran into the following problem:
I clicked onto IP -> Firewall -> NAT and used dstnat to UDP port 1194 on my RaspberryPI (internal IP:, static) which is connected via Bridge1 to ether4 port on my Router. But somehow I can't connect to it from outside. I've also configured NoIP on the RaspberryPI.
Please can somebody help me with this problem (If you need some more information, just ask for it.)? I would really appreciate it.
Kind regards
NoBrainer aka Martin