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SXT LTE & Wireless Bridge - Issues.

Fri Oct 05, 2018 3:59 pm

Hi all,

Looking for some thoughts from other forum members. I have been installing SXT LTE units this summer with various UK carriers and all has been good until the last installation. The set up is as follows:-
1. SXT LTE Modem pole mounted and powered by the supplied power injector/supply.
2.TP Link 2.4Ghz pharos wireless bridge connected 20 metres from the LTE modem but plugged into the same double power socket.
3. At client end of the bridge, it feeds into Draytek router for internal network connectivity and network access.
4. SXT LTE unit and TP Link Pharos all on same IP range with the AP/client units on static IP's.

My problem is that i am getting random drops in the network bridge, i have replaced the the PHaros units and the same problem is still happening. Is it possible that there is a power pulse coming down the ethernet from the SXT LTE modem to the AP end of the bridge and wiping its settings?. Wiring in the SXT LTE direct to the draytek without a wireless bridge is not an option because of concrete and distance!.

I have changed the power source and still the problem is there. It occurs at random intervals with no pattern and the LTE modem is still connected but the bridge goes down. Is there a compatibility issue between the hardware????. What makes this even more frustrating is i have another SXT unit on the same pole wired into another building for another client and it all works fine. They have the same Wireless bridge equipment running for their CCTV and it all works seamlessly.

Have i missed something here that is the root of my problem??
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Re: SXT LTE & Wireless Bridge - Issues.

Tue Oct 09, 2018 9:39 am

You can rule out the power issue by putting an UPS at the feed for SXT LTE and Pharos. If it still happens it isn't the power.

I'm sorry but I don't see any simple causes. How often does this occur? Is there anything in the logs at the time?

The wireless bridge should be transparent to the other devices, so I still believe it is internal to the Pharos. How do you get the link back up? Is the config wiped from either or both of the devices as you hint? Could you replace it with a MikroTik PtP link if only for testing?
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Re: SXT LTE & Wireless Bridge - Issues.

Tue Oct 09, 2018 8:16 pm

Hi Petri

Thanks for your response, have pulled the equipment from the site as the customer isn't happy so problem has kind of gone away. In answer to your questions, all seems to be fine for a few days and then the link goes down. I try to access the AP end of the link via a browser but it doesn't connect so a hard reset (Bear in mind I changed this unit when it first happened). Once reconfigured with the necessary the client end of the bridge reconnects straight away and all is good. When reconfiguring, I did it manually rather than load the saved config file just in case there was an issue. The only other factor which may be a cause is there is a second wireless bridge (also pharos 210) on the same pole but on a completely different frequency and a different network used for CCTV which hasn't missed a beat and works perfectly. Could it be interference of some kind?
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Re: SXT LTE & Wireless Bridge - Issues.

Wed Oct 10, 2018 8:05 pm

@ninja365: It could be interference on the particular channel this bridge is using. If the interference is intermittent the link should come back up by itself. The fact it doesn't, but works after manual intervention, is a sign it isn't an interference problem but a device problem. Could be power, hardware, firmware or whatever.

If you want to debug it further I suggest setting up the link with MikroTik equipment. In that case you can choose the channels and other settings, you get logging and all sorts of diagnostics.