Hello All,
I am facing a problem ,
I disabled all my firewall rules ... I have 3 interfaces at my MT
the first interface : ISP-1 which is a proxy source i use only HTTP traffic .
the second interface is : ISP-2 which is my gateway source .
and the third is my LOCAL interface .
I am using PARENT PROXY that my web-proxy connects to it but the problem here is that i have a webserver that is on my local network and I am testingit daily but I fail and I already failed with it .
I used the default rule that forwards any client that is at UNPAID list to my webserver , my webserver has the default website , it tells our customers to pay .. it seems that after creating this rule , the client can not use internet and if you typed http://www.google.com , it shows to you that it is connecting ....... still and still you wait until it fails , no forwarding .
any help would be greatly appreciated .
Thank you,