I had an CCR1009-8g-1s-1s+ with vers 6.42.6 loaded.
I had 2 links
first one is on the SFP+ (10gb internet connection)
second is a Bonding 802.3ad with 4 ports configured (eth5+eth6+eth7+eth8).
Ccr had Bgp session active with internet provider carrier.
i´m seeing máximum throughput is only 2.4gbps., (2.4 in in the sfp1 2.4gbps. and 2.4 out to my core/nat router in the bonding interface).
I don´t see cpu at 100% (normally is at 40% with full traffic).
There´s any undocumented limitation with this router? i´m testing and can´t make go higher traffics (testing other bonding methods too).