No it is not you.
The switch locks one out consistently without explanation and when you reset to defaults it resets to the firmware it came with, vice the defaults of the current firmware.
I feel like a sucker that bought their switch thinking SwOS was going to be similar in quality to Router OS.
I've got literally thousands of Mikrotiks running ROS. I thought I would give SwOS a try for three switches I need in the network. Holey Moley, The Mikrotik CRS317-1G-16S+RM running SwOS is just plain nuts to configure. I'm going back to ROS on my three Mikrotik CRS317-1G-16S+RM devices. As a router, ROS is pretty strong. As a switch, ROS is also not exactly easy to configure (using the switch chip) when you need 4 trunks and 3 sets of 4-ports configured mode-access on three different vlans. ROS software bridging is just barely OK for less than 300 meg layer-2 networks. I know ROS can do it, just got to read some on-line docs to properly figure out ROS switching at the layer-2 level with the switch chip. However again , ROS switch configuration and on-line docs are also very limited and a little confusing.
If SwOS had a CLI interface similar to Dell and Cisco, then it would have a chance of being decent - without it , it just plain blows !
North Idaho Tom Jones