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Hotspot-MAC blacklist using Wildcard entries?

Fri Nov 02, 2018 11:09 pm

Need to block massive amounts of MAC codes of the local truck transponders (Ezurio), that keep using IP addresses on my hotspot. How can I accomplish this?
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Re: Hotspot-MAC blacklist using Wildcard entries?

Fri Nov 02, 2018 11:55 pm

Using wildcard entries for MAC addresses is not possible. Adding many entries with a script is possible but other problems may happen like blocking wrong mac addresses and it may not be a solution at all because MAC addresses can be spoofed to another range anyway. Explain what the unwanted user is doing. Is he trying to steal connection from other users ip or is filling the ip range of your subnet with many dhcp request? and maybe we can help you i the right direction to resolve your problem,
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Re: Hotspot-MAC blacklist using Wildcard entries?

Sat Nov 03, 2018 2:05 am

No, what is happening, is that the big trucks on the highway have WiFi transponders in them, for use by the "weighing stations". So they will latch on to my hotspot, get an IP address, and then do nothing, as they do not get the proper handshake that the weigh station gives them. They will keep that IP address till the truck gets out of range of our hotspot AP.

Problem is, that there are many trucks on this major highway, and they use a lot of IP addresses, just for nothing.

Company that makes the transponders is Ezurio, their MAC address range is 00:16:A4:00:00:00 to 00:16:A4:FF:FF:FF

ID's start with the letters UA, and have numbers after that.

Just would like to block them from getting an IP address !
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Re: Hotspot-MAC blacklist using Wildcard entries?

Sat Nov 03, 2018 10:59 am

You can apply this rule to the hotspot bridge depending on how your network is designed. you may need to apply this rule to any hotspot point or to the core router where all interface are bridged depending on your design. this way the mac adress range will not have not any communication with the router but will be still able to connect to the wireless interface

/interface bridge filter
add action=drop chain=input in-bridge="hotspot-brige-name"  src-mac-address=\

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